(this blog details my summer experience of of 2009. if you want to read it for some reason, i recommend that you do so chronologically, starting with the oldest post.)

Monday, June 1, 2009

Bye, Bangkok. I hardly knew ya.

Okay, I have an hour to kill and I'm too physiologically aroused from the card-losing debacle to do any more Bangkok exploring. I'll put this time to good use and throw some pictures your way.

Ready? Okay... in two sections... go!
(Note: This computer isn't too hot, so the picture formatting is messing up. Sorry!)

Section 1: Last moments in Hong Kong
The Hong Kong airport is located on Lantau Island, on which I made a quick detour before hopping on my flight. I took a cable car to Ngong Ping, way up in the mountains, to the Po Lin Monastery, which is host to the Tian Tan Buddha (aka "Big Buddha"). The monastary had a vegetarian restaurant, so I couldn't pass up their amazing veggie spread.

Section 2: Bangkok

Since I'm strapped for time, I'm just going to throw these at you... you'll get the idea.

This was the view from my room:


  1. Nice shots. I like your continuation of the family tradition a la photographing your food. =) Help is on the way, I hope, with regard to your lost ATM card. Check your FB inbox for details. Our last day in Vancouver. Love, Mom

  2. man, preston these pictures are amazing! i can't even imagine how wonderful and exciting it is, you lucky duck.

    i miss and love you tons!
