(this blog details my summer experience of of 2009. if you want to read it for some reason, i recommend that you do so chronologically, starting with the oldest post.)

Thursday, May 28, 2009


Touchdown in Hong Kong after a very, very long "day." Why put "day" in quotation marks, you ask? Because, at this point, several compounding factors have terribly skewed my concept of what a "day" actually is. I have a habit of staying up all night on the eve of a long trip, so I got one hour of sleep before Teta took me to the airport on Wednesday morning. I connected in San Francisco, my 13.5 hour flight left the Bay at 1:30PM and arrived in Hong Kong at 6:30PM the next calendar day. (That would be today, for me... tomorrow, for you.)

Such a source of bewilderment, that darned International Date Line. A whole calendar day, gone! Poof! Forever! Never to be had again! I feel robbed. I demand a credit-day to redeem at a time of my choosing.

The poor girl sitting next to me on the flight, germ face-mask and all... every time I coughed she would recoil in horror in an attempt to avoid contracting any diseases that I might be carrying.

Sorry. I digress.

So, I get into Hong Kong without a plan of attack... you know, no reservations or anything. I hopped on a bus to get into the city and realized that maybe, just maybe, it would have been advantageous to make plans for sleeping accommodations. I exited the bus at a random stop after seeing the name of a hostel that I recognized from my Lonely Planet guide book only to discover that this particular establishment was not a hostel at all, but a horse-betting business. At that point, I'm left to wander a random area of Hong Kong with no earthly idea where I am or where I should go. After wandering around in the rain for three quarters of an hour (yes, it was raining), I happened upon a train station. Phew!

I got my act together, looked through my guide book, found an area of town with a few cheap guesthouses, jumped on the train, found one of the said guesthouses, checked in, and that brings us to the present.

Oh, yeah. I snapped a couple of pictures with my camera, but I bungled that one, too. Instead of taking the USB cable to transfer pictures to my computer, I took the memory-stick-adapter-thingee (hooray for saving space!) only to realize that it doesn't fit my new computer. So until I buy the correct apparatus, I'm limited to my webcam. So, here are two pictures depicting my little room and the Hong Kong hundred-dollar-bill, which is quite epic when compared to the mundane pictures of dead white dudes on US dollars. Why settle for a lowly human when you can have a fierce-ass lion?


  1. I'm so glad you made it and found a place to sleep. Nice work navigating the Hong Kong train stations and stops. Hope you have fun exploring. I cannot wait to hear more. I miss you already. Love, Natalie

  2. Great stories already! Many germ masks in HK? I bet you're asleep now. ZZzzz. Love, Mom

  3. Preston, you're off to a good start as my favorite summer reading. Keep the adventures coming and hope you have a great trip!

  4. Glad to hear you made at alright.
    Don't forget:
    Try and go to stan lee market (not sure if it's spelled like the x-men creator). Oh and look for the hotel in front of a mountain with a whole in the middle so the dragon that lives on the mountain can see the ocean.

    I'll ask my Dad if he can remember fun stuff to do as well.

    Awesome. Good luck. Safe Journey.
